Hello anyone who might read this.
In the last couple weeks or so I was thinking of some features other video sites have that might be useful here as well and I thought embed codes might be nice.
Isn’t that nice? Now for every video there is an extra button near the pop-out player button appropriately called “Embed Code”. So if you run a site that talks about any of these movies or television, you can post the whole darn thing without any impact on your hosting. Not bad, eh? For most of the videos that came from the archive.org you could already go there and get a nice embed code to post the video with, but I have ‘enhanced’ some of the videos on here and not all of them are sourced from somewhere that offers embedding, or you might just want to use my bandwidth instead of the Achive’s. For those the option is there.
This is becoming the nicest site no one knows about, how lucky of you to be in the know about it!
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