One Step Beyond was a precursor to shows like the Twilight Zone, only One Step Beyond claims these stories are based on truth. I don’t know about that, but the show is highly entertaining. In this one a newly wed bride begins to predict things about a place she is going to but never been […]
One Step Beyond 02 – Night Of April 14th - 1959
A woman has a nightmare about drowning in an ocean, then finds out her finance booked passage for them aboard the Titanic. I doubt anything could happen.
One Step Beyond 003 – Emergency Only - 1959
A skeptic has his beliefs tested when events begin to unfold as a psychic had predicted.
One Step Beyond 004 – The Dark Room - 1959
A female photojournalist on assignment in France takes an apartment and begins to work with a somewhat mysterious male model. Thngs come to a head when she has a brush with the supernatural that could well mean her death.
One Step Beyond 005 – 12 Hours To Live - 1959
After her husband storms out of the house following an argument, his wife begins having visions of him in terrible danger. She seeks help from his disbelieving business partner and the police before resolving to rescue him herself.
One Step Beyond 006 – Epilogue - 1959
A recovering alcoholic returns to his family from an extended stay in rehabilitation. His sobriety is put to the test, as are his beliefs in the supernatural, when his son is trapped in a cave-in.
One Step Beyond 007 – The Dream - 1959
A British couple separated during their WWII wartime assignments both have dreams that the other is in serious danger. Afterwards they both desperately try to find the other and make sure their dream didn’t come true.
One Step Beyond 008 – The Premonition
Debbie is haunted by the fear of her own demise at the hands of a chandelier in her home. Arlene Galway, who plays the young Debbie in this episode, also appeared on an episode of the original Star Trek series called The Deadly Years. Skip Young of The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet guest features […]
One Step Beyond 009 – The Dead Part Of The House - 1959
A little girl moves with her family to a new house. Soon after moving, she meets three ghosts that live in the nursery.