The daughter of Dr. Frankenstein has come back from school after becoming a doctor in her own right. She is also very interested in her fathers work, and she begins working with her father and lab assistant. When Dr. Frankenstein is killed by one of his own creations, her and the other assistant continue working to reanimate the dead, also falling in love during the process. They want to try and transplant her lovers brain into a mentally deficient house worker’s body. Meanwhile Dr. Frankenstein’s creation is still out looking for revenge for the miserable existence that is it’s life. And there’s breasts sometimes.
Lady Frankenstein - 1971
Lady Frankenstein
Released: 01 Oct 1973
Directed By: Mel Welles, Aureliano Luppi
Written By: Umberto Borsato, Egidio Gelso, Aureliano Luppi
Starring: Joseph Cotten, Rosalba Neri, Paul Muller
Country: Italy
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