Allen tries to convict Prince Zernie, an often accused but never convicted criminal, for a jewel theft and learns at the trial that the man has another air-tight alibi. This episode features a young DeForest Kelley, better known as Bones from the original Star Trek.
Public Prosecutor – Case of the Comic Strip Murder
This shows a bit of distinction because it’s filmed rather than performed live, which doesn’t seem that odd to us now since a lot of our tv is done like that. Back when this aired, basically all of tv was performed in front of an audience and filmed at the same time. According to it’s Wikipedia […]
Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome - 1947
This Dick Tracy movie has Boris Karloff as Gruesome where he uses a toxic gas to paralyze people and rob banks. This isn’t to be confused with the series of shorts. Look for the weird part around 10 minutes in where they kind of break the 4th wall and reference Boris Karloff.