Suspense was a long-running and highly popular radio drama that aired on CBS from 1940 – 1962. Suspense mainly focused on suspense thriller-type scripts and usually featured leading Hollywood actors of the era. A short list of actors and actresses you could hear on Suspense include Orson Welles, Paul Stewart, Peter Lorre, Elissa Landi, Bela […]
Lux Radio Theatre
Lux Radio Theatre was a long-running anthology program that ran for several seasons on several networks. Cecile B. DeMille hosted several seasons and many of the actors and actresses came from film and stage as opposed to using mainly radio actors. A short list of notable leading names in stage and film that appeared in […]
Black Museum
Black Museum is a Crime Drama radio show produced by BBC starting in 1951. Each episode features a story based of real files from Scotland Yard. My favorite thing about this show is that Orson Welles both hosts and narrates it. Here’s the source for this show over at the
The Stranger - 1946
Wilson of the War Crimes Commission is seeking Franz Kindler, mastermind of the Holocaust, who has effectively erased his identity. Wilson releases Kindler’s former comrade Meinike and follows him to Harper, Connecticut, where he is killed before he can identify Kindler. Now Wilson’s only clue is Kindler’s fascination with antique clocks; but, though Kindler seems […]