Suspense was a long-running and highly popular radio drama that aired on CBS from 1940 – 1962. Suspense mainly focused on suspense thriller-type scripts and usually featured leading Hollywood actors of the era. A short list of actors and actresses you could hear on Suspense include Orson Welles, Paul Stewart, Peter Lorre, Elissa Landi, Bela […]
Obsession’s first episode aired on October 9, 1950 on WBBM, Chicago as a filler until January 15, 1951, when Obsession earned its own time slot. The program lasted only seventeen months. Its final broadcast aired May 12, 1952. The program starred many radio greats including Vincent Price, Ruth Warrick, William Gargan, Miriam Hopkins, and Barton […]
House on Haunted Hill - 1959
Vincent Price plays eccentric millionaire, Fredrick Loren, who offers to pay $10,000 to anyone in the invited group of people who can survive a single night in the haunted mansion with him and his 4th wife. Spooookyness ensues.
The Bat - 1959
Mystery writer Cornelia Van Gorder has rented a large house with an appropriately sordid history. In the recent past it was the scene of some gruesome murders by a strange and violent killer known as “The Bat”. At the same time Cornelia is renting the house, the owner of the house has embezzled a million […]
Shock - 1946
Janet Stewart while hearing a fight went to her window and saw a man hit his wife with a candlestick and kill her. This sent her into a coma. As she comes out of it, she recognizes her caretaker, Dr. Cross, as the killer she saw before. She comes back to Dr. Cross’s sanitarium where […]
The Last Man On Earth - 1964
Ok so I am kind of a fanboy here for a couple things that will bias my description. For one, I really love Vincent Price, who stars in this film. And as a second, I really enjoyed Richard Matheson’s book I Am Legend, which this movie is based off of. The movie here actually does a pretty […]