Captain Oren Hayes of the Texas Rangers takes a break to visit his daughter in a neighboring town. When he arrives, he finds his daughter Hannah’s husband Jeff is running for Mayor against a corrupt town boss, Nard Lundy. Lundy has no intention of allowing the free election of the honest Jeff Rose, so he has his henchmen beat them up. Hayes then calls for the help of some his old buddies in the Rangers. Upon arriving in town, they realize quickly that age has caught up with them and they must rely on their sheer wits to outsmart and defeat Lundy.
The Over-The-Hill Gang - 1969
The Over-The-Hill Gang
Released: 07 Oct 1969
Directed By: Jean Yarbrough
Written By: Jameson Brewer, Leonard Goldberg
Starring: Walter Brennan, Edgar Buchanan, Andy Devine
Country: United States
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